Memoria Abierta
Asociación de ex Trabajadores y Familiares de Desaparecidos de Mercedes Benz Argentina
Asociación de Familiares de Desaparecidos Judíos
Colegio Nacional de Buenos Aires
Comisión x la Memoria y Justicia Villa Lugano, Villa Soldati y Villa Celina
Comunidad Boliviana
Escritores y Periodistas
Escuela Superior de Comercio Carlos Pellegrini
Facultades de Ingeniería, Arquitectura y Ciencias Económicas (UBA)
Familiares de Desaparecidos de Origen Europeo
Federación Judicial Argentina
Obreros Navales Desaparecidos
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Escritores y Periodistas

The SEA -Sociedad de Escritoras y Escritores de la Argentina (Writer’s Society of Argentina)- emerged in 2000 as a group of poets and writers, some of whom had migrated from the traditional SADE (Argentinean Society of Writers). The purpose was to have an organization that truly represented the writers´ stories, needs, and struggles.
Preliminary discussions for the creation of the group were conducted in a writer’s forum on the web. Seeking to broaden participation, a meeting of over 200 writers in Buenos Aires was held at the end of 2000. Those who gathered voted and unanimously decided that a Provisional Board was needed to help organize the group and prioritize the tasks.

The organization has proven to be effective and has managed to steadily raise interest and membership.

This entity that we have created with effort was interested from the beginning in building a memory of the Writers Union, of the human rights violations occurred during the last military dictatorship and the previous cycle also marked by the State terrorism.

On March 24, 2001, the SEA held a meeting at the Recoleta Cultural Center and presented the first list of disappeared writers. The names, which numbered over a hundred, became the first step to develop a database and to recover and collect their work.
This investigation was led by Lilian Garrido, Oscar Tafettani, Victor Redondo and Liliana Heer, with the assistance from the hundreds of family members and fellow writers throughout the country. Their work, oversaw by Victor Redondo, led to the publishing of a book in 2005 entitled “Living Words: The Works of the Disappeared Writers and Victims of State Terrorism from 1974-1983”. It was presented at the International Book Fair in Buenos Aires that year on May.
The book is a compilation of texts and biographies of the writers who disappeared. It includes stories, essay portions, interviews, letters, and newspaper clippings. The second edition was published in 2008 with corrections and changes, and a third edition is planned for release accompanied by a CD with the voices and images of the victims.

In March 2007, as part of the events planned for the 31st anniversary of the military coup and invited by, Fundación Memoria Histórica y Social Argentina the SEA, together with the journalist union (UTPBA), inaugurated a memorial entitled “Monte de los Escritores y los Periodistas” within the Walk of Human Rights. A sculpture by the artist Daniel Brandimarte was unveiled, which had the names of over thirty victims. Many of them had been both writers and journalists.

The white young carob trees arranged in the shape of a horseshoe will remind to the coming generations about them. Amidst the gardens along the path is the one marked by the sculpture of a single piece of paper, constructed from steel, and representing the writers and journalists who lost their lives. It was inaugurated on May 12, 2007.
