We Work with Others
Training Conferences 2005

Representatives of organizations from Mar del Plata, Mendoza, Rosario and Santa Fe (Argentina) and Santiago (Chile) participated in workshops that were developed in the framework of the Coalition’s regional project with the objective of developing and strengthening links with other human rights organizations, two training workshops were held: Testimonial Archives and Resource Development. The workshops arose from the necessity of sharing experiences and giving incentive to cooperative work.

The training in the Testimonial Archive workshop focused on the importance of the use of testimonies and the building of archives. A strong emphasis was also placed on the importance of the production of testimonies (interview guide, registers, etc.) and on considerations for their accessibility. Presentations in this workshop were made by Alejandra Oberti, Silvina Segundo, and Pablo Palomino (members of Memoria Abierta’s Oral Archive).

The training in Development of Resources concentrated on the fundamental aspects of searching for funding (where and how to search, plan, strategize and budget, etc.) and the elaboration of projects. This workshop included presentations by Matias Meier and Maria Alejandra Pavicich (Memoria Abierta) and Macarena Sabin Paz (CELS).

In addition to the workshops a visit of the office of Memoria Abierta and another of the territory of the Navy Mechanics School (ESMA)- one of the main clandestine detention centers of the last military dictatorship that was recently restored.